Choose the track that will help you excel in your band leadership
Track 1 — Drum Major
The Drum Major Track of the Mountain West Leadership Institute is an impressive experience for young conductors. Headed by our Clinician Bobby Lambert (Director of Bands at Wando High School in Mt Pleasant, SC) drum majors can expect to learn concepts in conducting and how to make clear gestures for field shows and other drum major events. They will also learn how to score study and prepare for rehearsal. Drum Majors will get lots of time actively conducting to develop these skills. In addition to conducting, leaders will get the opportunity to develop leadership concepts.
Track 2 — Color Guard
Are you a beginning colorguard or do you have years of experience? Are you a leader or just might have desires to at some point? Then this is for you! Our Clinicians Rosie Queen Miller (Center Grove H.S., Aimachi, Avon H.S., Carroll H.S., Bluecoats Indoor, and Escapade WG) and Jennifer Leseth (Bluecoats, Crossmen, Madison Scouts, Carolina Crown, Phantom Regiment, and Santa Clara Vanguard)
are the top in the activity. Highly prized as the go to for design work, colorguard education, and leadership training these two individuals will help all attendees soar to new heights. Students can expect to work on everything from developing skills on flag, rifle, and saber to developing skills that will make you a better teammate and leader. Come and be a part of the best colorguard camp anywhere!
Track 3 — Other Student Leadership
Whether you are a leader or an aspiring leader the leadership track is for you. During your three day camp students will work on conducting to aid in sectionals. They will get training in different ways to run a sectional with fellow classmates. They will also get some hands-on help on how to teach marching fundamentals so leaders can help their peers develop in the visual realm. In addition, leaders will get in depth leadership training from our Clinicians Joel Denton (Lee University) and Col. Don Schofield (US Air Force). These clinicians are some of the most sought after leadership teachers in the United States. We know all attendees will be able to develop their skills to help them be successful and also help their band programs when they return to their high schools.